Shoe Sponsorship Tips

Here are some tips on getting shoes sponsored!

1. Share about your trip and your sponsorship goals on social media, and then share again and again and again and again. People won’t know what you are doing or trying to do after only one post. Commit to posting about it at least once if not more per week.

  • Our platform, Givebutter, can be shared or connected to your social media accounts! What an easy way to get donations.

  • Make a live video even of you explaining what you’re doing and how others can partner with you

  • Share info/links explaining My360Project

  • Keep them updated; when you are halfway to your goal, post about it! When you are a month or closer to your trip date, post about it! People won’t know unless you tell them.

  • Don’t just post about My360Project, post about you and your life too. People will be more likely to sponsor if they know WHO they are helping, not just what.

2. Include a giveaway. People often give money when they have a chance to get something out of it too. Do a giveaway if you can and then once again post, post, post!

  • Ex: For every pair of shoes sponsored by the end of the week your name will go in a drawing for 2 free movie tickets!

  • Make sure the prize is something people would want but it doesn’t have to be expensive, it could be something you personally make by hand or gift cards, anything that will incentivize people to participate but doesn’t break your wallet.

  • Set a time frame for the giveaway (X day(s), X week(s), or 1 month)

  • Personally message people This is where you will find the most success! Go through all your contacts, facebook friends, and followers and message at least 10 people every few days (or everyday if you’re feeling ambitious)

  • Example text: Hi Andie! Hope you are doing well! I’m not sure if you have seen my recent posts on facebook but I am going to Mexico next month to pass out new shoes to kids! I am trying to get 70, $35 shoes sponsored before I go. Would you be able to sponsor a few pairs?

  • If they don’t respond, don’t take it too personally, it happens.

  • If they do respond, say: Great! Thank you so much! Here is my link to sponsor shoes (insert your personal fundraising link) And here is a link to learn more about My360Project from 2021. About My360Project

  • Sometimes they will immediately go in and sponsor shoes, other times life happens and they forget, so the key is in the follow up! After a few days send them another message saying something like; Hi Andie! Just wanted to follow up and make sure that link worked. I am about halfway to my goal!

3. Talk about it! Find ways to bring up your trip or My360 Project into everyday conversations with family, friends, and coworkers, but be authentic and genuine! You never know who might sponsor a pair of shoes, you’ll be surprised!

  • “I was getting my teeth cleaned and the dental hygienist asked what I was up to, so I shared about My360Project and at the end of the appointment she asked where she could sponsor a pair of shoes.”

4. Personally call and ask businesses to see if they do sponsorships. Even if they don’t, sometimes people from the business will personally sponsor a pair themselves.

5. Work for it! It might feel strange but for some, this has been the way to go. We’ve heard stories of people cleaning houses, baking, doing yard work, etc., just to get their shoes sponsored.

6. During/After your trip, think of ways to thank all of your sponsors.

  • Write their names in a pair of shoes and take a picture that you send to them.

  • Send them pictures of the kids wearing the shoes and say that those were a pair of shoes THEY sponsored.

  • Some of the people who will sponsor might never be able to go on a trip like this, so keeping them involved in some capacity helps them see their own impact and opens the doors for them to sponsor shoes for you again in the future.

  • If you created a campaign on our platform, Givebutter, you have the ability to contact everyone at once by posting a campaign update! Go to your fundraiser page and type in your campaign update on the right side.

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