
We are so excited for you to go on a trip!

Before you head out, please scroll down to complete a few things!

Steps for finishing your trip application

  • 1. Initial Trip Form

    If you have already completed this step, please proceed to Step 2!.

    This form is the first step to sign up for one of our exciting trips! It's easy and simple to complete, but you will need to have your passport and insurance information handy. Don't worry, though, we'll guide you through the process. So, get ready for an adventure and fill out the form to secure your spot on our next trip!

  • 2. Create your fundraiser

    Our trips are made possible through fundraising, which means telling people about this exciting opportunity and getting shoes sponsored. To start your fundraiser, click on the link provided. If you prefer to pay in full, you can do that here too.

    For the Mexico trip, you need 35 pairs of shoes, and for Uganda, you need 70 pairs sponsored. Each pair costs $35.

    If you're interested, we have reimbursement options available to help cover the cost of flights. Let's make this trip happen together!

    Click the button below or scroll down

  • 3. Shoe Sponsorship Tips

    Take it from us, getting shoes sponsored is not as scary or difficult as it might seem. Click this link for more information and tips on how to be effective at gathering all your needed shoes.

    1. Talk about the trip to friends!

    2. Maybe include a giveaway at certain amount of shoes raised

    3. Invite family and friends to help fundraise with you!

    4. Call Businesses and tell them about this trip

Have more questions? Contact us below